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Successful Technology Rules

Successful Technology Rules

"Success Through Wise Technology Decisions"

Communication technology is a "faster and faster blur" while at the same time organizations are becoming more and more dependent on their communications. Old rules continue to prevail in today's successful communication projects, even in today's blurring speed of communication developments:

Rule 1: Don't succumb to the hype. Make conscious decisions based on knowledge that your options will continue to change substantially over the next two years. Let your wisdom prevail by selecting those options that allow you flexibility - "no long term contracts".

Rule 2: Look for "revenue streams". Revenue opportunities are being won and lost daily, just like the stock market. Revenue streams are created in two ways, by making money or by saving money. Money is now being made by leasing facilities you own e.g.: roofs, structures, riser shafts and ownership of other "right-of-ways". Serious money is being saved/made when surveying current use and reducing those costs e.g.: competitive rates, optimized technology and other knowledgeable accounting of your communication practices.

Rule 3: Design a lasting foundation. History repeats itself and this current revolution in technology has many similarities to those of past revolutions: the Model T's introduction of the assembly line, the transistor taking us to outer space, the microchip bringing computers to the home and now the Internet/communications shrinking the world to the size of your wrist watch. In time, in another 10 to 20 years, your existing communication investment will appear archaic. Understanding all this demands a fluid communication infrastructure that can live for the moment and compound your investment for the future.

Rule 4: Deploy a results oriented implementation. Too often contractors, providers, etc. identify their deliverables in terms of effort and hours spent. Your focus on and benefactor of results, must be managed with easily identifiable RESULTS at the beginning and through out the deployment of any project.

In Summary: significant revenue opportunities are available for many, those with patience despite the hype, respect for the past identifying revenue, knowledge of strong foundations and wisdom to manage results.

The "Revenue Streams" are there for those taking advantage of the immediate opportunities within the communications blur.

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Phone: (206) 465-1435

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