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Cable Removal Costs

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Cable Removal Cost$

2002 edition of NEC: "Abandoned cable shall not be permitted to remain unless contained in metal raceways."

Abandoned wires are defined by the NEC to be the, "Installed cable that is not terminated at both ends at a connector or other equipment and not identified for future use with a tag."

Owners are ultimately responsible for cables. Therefore it is imperative that building owners know the cable status before the fire marshal or insurance adjuster arrives.
Note: one scare has been that there are cable contractors marketing their services to lawyers, insurance companies and underwriters to find properties out of compliance.
Adopt the "Cookie Cutter Approach",
A-D-D Value, Assess-Design-Deploy
* Inventory riser and plenum wires not in use

* Identify types of wires and history of use  

* Identify cable manufacturer and part number

* Tag those cable still of future value

* Identify those cables that must be removed

* Wherever possible identify former cable use and user

* Quantify risks of taking no action and ROI if action(s) is taken
* Solution(s) that resolve issues from the assessment

* Optimize your Return On Investment

*  Process that brings your building into compliance & stays it in compliance;
* Total Quality Management of cable inventory and / or removal

* Institute Removal Procedures

* Leases/residential rules amended

* Parties to acknowledge that there are no abandoned wires

* Tenant/Occupant - any cabling installed shall meet the requirements

* Tenant/Occupant agrees to remove all wiring installed during tenancy

* Instill a security deposit, bond or letter of credit retained

A-D-D estimated costs on those buildings 50,000 square feet or more: $0.50 to $3 per square foot.  If this all is too much of a liability consider the hot new popular option of Wireless (WiFi) Internet access - convenient and  inexpensive bandwidth

Want a more accurate estimate?  Submit below  your "Difficulty Factors" :

First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail Address *
Building Age?
Number of floors?
Average Tenant Length of Stay (in years)?
Number of Tenants?
Average Floor Leaseable Square Feet?
What an expensive headache?  Simplify while increasing YOUR property's value: eliminate wires by using the inexpensive, mobile convenience and high capacity wireless Internet connection with the hot option of WiFi.  
Want more information about the Wireless WiFi option?
Yes   No  

* Required to submit this form

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